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3 posts tagged with "Terraform"

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· 4 min read

You may have learned from this blog that we can use vela to manage cloud resources (like s3 bucket, AWS EIP and so on) via the terraform plugin. We can create an application which contains some cloud resource components and this application will generate these cloud resources, then we can use vela to manage them.

Sometimes we already have some Terraform cloud resources which may be created and managed by the Terraform binary or something else. In order to have the benefits of using KubeVela to manage the cloud resources or just maintain consistency in the way you manage cloud resources, we may want to import these existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela and use vela to manage them. But if we just create an application which describes these cloud resources, the cloud resources will be recreated and may lead to errors. To fix this problem, we made a simple backup_restore tool. This blog will show you how to use the backup_restore tool to import your existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela.

· 8 min read
Jianbo Sun

If you're looking for something to glue Terraform ecosystem with the Kubernetes world, congratulations! You're getting exactly what you want in this blog.

We will introduce how to integrate terraform modules into KubeVela by fixing a real world problem -- "Fixing the Developer Experience of Kubernetes Port Forwarding" inspired by article from Alex Ellis.

In general, this article will be divided into two parts:

  • Part.1 will introduce how to glue Terraform with KubeVela, it needs some basic knowledge of both Terraform and KubeVela. You can just skip this part if you don't want to extend KubeVela as a Developer.
  • Part.2 will introduce how KubeVela can 1) provision a Cloud ECS instance by KubeVela with public IP; 2) Use the ECS instance as a tunnel sever to provide public access for any container service within an intranet environment.

OK, let's go!

· 6 min read

KubeVela currently supports AWS, Azure, GCP, AliCloud, Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud, UCloud and other cloud vendors, and also provides a quick and easy command line tool to introduce cloud resources from cloud providers. But supporting cloud resources from cloud providers one by one in KubeVela is not conducive to quickly satisfying users' needs for cloud resources. This doc provides a solution to quickly introduce the top 50 most popular cloud resources from AWS in less than 100 lines of code.

We also expect users to be inspired by this article to contribute cloud resources for other cloud providers.