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Version: v1.8



Terraform module to run Nomad on Google Cloud



consul_enabledIs consul enabled on this instancetrue
consul_join_tag_keyAWS Tag to use for consul auto-jointrue
consul_join_tag_valueValue to search for in auto-join tag to use for consul auto-jointrue
consul_versionConsul version to installtrue
key_nameSSH key to add to instancestrue
max_agentsThe maximum number of agents allowed in the autoscale grouptrue
max_serversThe maximum number of servers allowed in the autoscale grouptrue
min_agentsThe minimum number of agents to add to the autoscale grouptrue
min_serversThe minimum number of servers to add to the autoscale grouptrue
namespaceNamespace for application, all resources will be prefixed with namespacetrue
nomad_datacentreDefault datacenter for Nomadfalse
nomad_enabledIs nomad enabled on this instancetrue
nomad_regionDefault datacenter for Nomadfalse
nomad_versionNomad version to installtrue
vpc_idName of the network to attach instances totrue
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse
zoneZone to launch instances intotrue


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse