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Version: v1.8

Alibaba Cloud RAM-FC


Create a functional computing service based on Terraform under AliCloud's RAM role.


documentAuthorization strategy of the RAM role.stringfalse
fc_service_descriptionThe specification of module fc service description.stringfalse
forceThis parameter is used for resource destroy.boolfalse
logstoreThe specification of logstore.stringfalse
nameThe specification of module name.stringfalse
policy_nameThe specification of module ram role description.stringfalse
policy_typeThe specification of module policy type.stringfalse
projectThe specification of project.stringfalse
ram_role_descriptionThe specification of module ram role description.stringfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written to.writeConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written to.stringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written to.stringfalse