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· 5 min read
Gokhan Karadas

This document aims to explain the integration of Kubevela and ArgoCD. We have two approaches to integrate this flow. This doc is trying to explain the pros and cons of two different approaches. Before diving deep into details, we can describe Kubevela and ArgoCD.

KubeVela is a modern software delivery platform that makes deploying and operating applications across multi environments easier, faster, and more reliable.

KubeVela is infrastructure agnostic and application-centric. It allows you to build robust software and deliver them anywhere! Kubevela provides an Open Application Model (OAM) based abstraction approach to ship applications and any resource across multiple environments.

Open Application Model (OAM) is a set of standard yet higher-level abstractions for modeling cloud-native applications on top of today’s hybrid and multi-cloud environments. You can find more conceptual details here.