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Version: v1.2

Install Addon

You can get more capabilities from KubeVela ecosystem by installing addons.

List Addons

By default, the following command lists addons from a default addon registry ( maintained by KubeVela team.

$ vela addon list
terraform Terraform Controller is a Kubernetes Controller for Terraform. disabled
velaux The KubeVela User Experience (UX ). Dashboard Designed as an extensible, application-oriented delivery and management control panel. disabled
ocm-cluster-manager ocm-cluster-manager can deploy an OCM hub cluster environment. disabled
fluxcd Extended workload to do continuous and progressive delivery disabled
terraform-aws Kubernetes Terraform Controller for AWS disabled
observability An out of the box solution for KubeVela observability disabled
terraform-alibaba Kubernetes Terraform Controller for Alibaba Cloud disabled
terraform-azure Kubernetes Terraform Controller for Azure disabled

Install Addon

$ vela addon enable fluxcd
I0111 21:45:24.553174 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="addon-fluxcd" resource=", Kind=Application"
I0111 21:45:25.258914 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="helm" resource=", Kind=ComponentDefinition"
I0111 21:45:25.342731 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="kustomize-json-patch" resource=", Kind=TraitDefinition"
I0111 21:45:25.382201 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="kustomize-patch" resource=", Kind=TraitDefinition"
I0111 21:45:25.411723 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="kustomize" resource=", Kind=ComponentDefinition"
I0111 21:45:25.625815 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="kustomize-strategy-merge" resource=", Kind=TraitDefinition"
I0111 21:45:25.660129 89345 apply.go:106] "creating object" name="component-uischema-helm" resource="/v1, Kind=ConfigMap"
Addon: fluxcd enabled Successfully.

You can view the new component or trait types added by vela component or vela trait. You can also find more details about built-in addon docs.

Uninstall Addon

Please make sure this addon along with the capabilities is no longer used in any of your applications.

$ vela addon disable fluxcd
Successfully disable addon:fluxcd

List Registry

$ vela addon registry list 
Name Type URL
KubeVela OSS

Add Registry

$ vela addon registry add experimental --type OSS --endpoint= --path=experimental/
Successfully add an addon registry experimental

Delete Registry

$ vela addon registry delete experimental
Successfully delete an addon registry experimental

Enable Addon offline

For some reason, if your cluster network cannot request the official addon registry you can enable an addon with a local dir. eg:

$ ls fluxcd ocm-cluster-manager terraform terraform-alibaba terraform-aws terraform-azure velaux

$ vela addon enable velaux/
Addon: velaux enabled Successfully

Please notice that, while a addon installing cluster maybe still need pull some images or helm charts.If your cluster cannot reach these resources please refer docs to do complete installation without Internet.

Make your own addon

Refer to extension documents to learn how to make your own addon and registry.